§ Session title: Hesperetin Phosphate, the Most Innovative New Dietary Ingredient
§ Presentation description:
RenoCidinTM, the fermented citrus bioflavonoid containing highly water-soluble hesperetin phosphate showing 100,000X higher water solubility and 6X higher bioavailability than commercial hesperidin, has already been approved by USFDA as new dietary ingredient (#NDI1253). Hesperetin is known for its biological activities such as anti-obesity, anti-inflammation, cardiovascular prevention, immuno-modulation, anti-cancer, and even help long COVID recovery according to latest research. Taking pharmaceutical prodrug strategy, the phosphorylated hesperetin can boost citrus power with maximized absorption and efficacy.
§ Speaker’s name: Dr. Chen (James) Hsu
§ Speaker’s title: R&D Director
§ Speaker’s company: Hughes Biotechnology Co., Ltd.